Create Houses of Quality (HOQ) in Excel quickly and easily.
SnapSheets can import the data from the previous HOQ automatically. Pareto and Sort Houses of Quality. Includes a Wizard to take you through each step of the process.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Quickly and easily create Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) templates in Excel.
Optionally include more than one cause per effect.
Includes current process controls and recommended actions.
Pareto FMEA by RPN and Action RPN.
Hide and/or Show Desired Columns.
Pugh Concept Selection
Easily create Pugh Concept Selection templates in Excel.
Choose the number of alternatives, groups, and number of criteria per group.
A Weight column is included for detailed Pughs.
Subtotals by group.
Advanced Sort Capability
Sort by Columns by Sum, # positive, # negative, or alphabetically.