Design of Experiments Training
Our Design of Experiments (DOE) courses can be taught at your facility or you can attend one of our public seminars. If you do not have an established training office or facility, ask about our turn-key training solution which provides a local venue, course registration, course evaluation, and more.
Design of Experiments (DOE) Training
Our Design of Experiments (DOE) training is a 3.5 or 4.5 day course which includes printed course materials and the software Quantum XL. The course is targeted to the individual who has no experience in DOE and would like to learn to plan, setup, execute, analyze, and optimize using DOE.
Fundamental DOE Concepts
Introduction to Regression
Introduction to DOE
Regression Analysis
Two-Level Designs
Three-Level Designs
Design of Experiments Summary
Monte Carlo Simulation (Optional)
Robust Design (Optional)
Design of Experiments for Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Firms
This 3-day, computer-based workshop provides product and process experts in FDA-regulated firms a solid understanding of how to use Design of Experiments (DOE) for their needs. It focuses on applying DOE to meet the requirements of Design Control, Process Analytical Technology (PAT), Process Validation, and other mandated activities. Industry-specific examples are provided throughout the workshop to illustrate how to obtain the maximum amount of information with the minimum amount of resources. The material is covered in a practical manner and there is no prerequisite knowledge to attend. It is not over-burdened with statistical complexity. Guidelines, rules of thumb, and our ever-popular software tool, DOE Pro XL, are given to foster correct, immediate, and sustained application.
Fundamentals of Design and Analysis
Screening Designs and Analysis
Modeling with Two- and Three- Level Designs
Response Surface Studies and Optimization
Robust Design Methods
Introduction to Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)