Your Data is in Excel. Why isn’t Your Analysis?

SPC XL Histogram

Excel Integration

SPC XL integrates into Excel, streamlining your workflow and saving you time. 

SPC XL Integration into Excel

Control Charts

XbarR, XbarS, Individuals, n, p, u, and np Charts. Update charts after they've been created. Identify outliers and have them displayed without affecting the control limiits.

Analysis Tools and diagrams

Histogram, Capability Analysis (Cpk), Scatter Plot (with regression fitting), Pareto, Dot Plot, Box Plots, Multiple Regression, Hypothesis Testing, Confidence Intervals, and Sample Size Calculations.

More Tools

Measurement System Analysis (Gage R&R) for both Quantitative and Binomial Data, Cause and Effect Diagram, Main Effects Plots, Cusum, Product Capability, FMEA, and Distribution Calculators.

I have studied and applied several leading statistical software applications over the last 9 years. I have instructed statistics to hundreds of Black Belts. I always launch SPC XL first. It is the easiest statistical software to use, and has met 99 percent of my statistical needs. If ‘lean’ is about delivering the greatest customer value per dollar, SPC XL wins.

Thomas C. Stroup, Lockheed Martin Inc.
P.E. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt