
Statistical Articles

Roger Maris

Roger Maris Case Study – Using Quantum XL to Define Multiple Inputs Simultaneously

Quantum XL’s bulk input/output feature allows the rapid creation of models with large numbers of inputs. To demonstrate how to use this feature, we will use Quantum XL to analyze the record 1961 season of Roger Maris. In 1927, Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs, setting the single season record that would stand for more than

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Quantum XL Stack Histogram

Optimization (Robust Design) using Quantum XL

Quantum XL’s optimizer provides the unique ability to minimize the defects per million (dpm) across multiple outputs in a model. The optimization is a true stochastic optimization, which means that the inputs are all modeled with probability distributions. This article explains how to use Quantum XL’s optimizer. This article builds on the concept of an

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